8051 microcontroller free sources,free programs
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# |
Type |
Name |
Description |
Size |
1 |  | 51to550.exe | Self extracting files containing artwork for adapter to allow programming the 87C550 in place of the 87C51. | 77824 Bytes | 2 |  | 8051asm.zip | as31 is a full featured assembler but it does lack facilities for linking several modules together. as31 can be configured to produce a wide variety of object output formats.
stauffer@cpsc.ucalgary.ca | 53K | 3 |  | 8051faq.zip | 8051 microcontroller FAQ | 54Kb | 4 |  | a51.zip | PseudoSam 8051 Cross Assembler, V1.4.09 | 40960 | 5 |  | abmouse.zip | ACCESS.bus mouse code for 8051 | 21803 Bytes | 6 |  | ad1.asm | A/D code for the 8XC552 | 1019 Bytes | 7 |  | an429.zip | Source for app note on '752 air flow measurement (AN429) | 5290 Bytes | 8 |  | app27.pdf | CRC8, CRC16 and other CRC tricks for 8051, From Dallas | 67882 | 9 |  | as31-sdcc231-pj3-win32.zip | Assembler and C compiler package : AS31 + SDCC | 1.10Mb | 10 |  | as31.zip | C source for an 8051 assembler, and a simple monitor from Ken Stauffer | 26624 |
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